Port of Rotterdam
Data driven model
Connecting available models in the area to the trajectory model of the channel.
Automatically import the latest and most accurate forecasts to be used in calculations
Use cases
For each inbound/outbound transit a safety analysis is done on given route for individual ship at expected conditions. This gives transit window for each individual ship.
Under keel clearance calculation at each location and time is based on available channel depth, expected water level, draft, speed (through water), squat and expected dynamic vertical motions.
Analysis of maximum draft per outgoing transit.
Import of AIS-tracks to monitor speed/timing per route.
Port of Long Beach
Analysis of dynamic underkeel clearance for all tankers at 55ft draft and above.
PROTIDE introduction at 65ft maximum draft with extensive evaluation of dynamic UKC based wave forecasts and dynamic response (roll/pitch/heave).
After operational introduction of PROTIDE: maximum draft gradually increased to 69ft under constant evaluation.
Validation of methodology
Calculation of ships response to expected and measured wave conditions.
Measure actual ship movements on board in combination with and speed, heading and rate of turn.
Combine roll, pitch, heave into total vertical motion at extremes of ship to calculate UKC.
Compare and visualize models versus measurements.
Port of Emden / Eemshaven
Shared channel
The Eems channel shared between two ports.
The PROTIDE system is shared between various users, each with their specific roles and authorizations.
Dashboard of all transits notifies on intersection of routes.
Port accessibility due to new channel and policy changes.
Actual measured ship speeds, compared to the model.
Measurements of dynamic motions for underkeel clearance validation.
Cross currents and wind
Excluding port accessibility due to cross currents.
Modeling additional rolling of container vessels and car carriers due to wind/gusts.
Port of San Francisco
Multiple ports
Multiple ports with one pilot organization.
Routes inbound, outbound and between ports.
Channel depth
Use sounding data to automatically update channel segment to available depth for transits.
Trajectory bounds of 60% channel width or AIS track.
Modeling impact of temporary sediment increases on underkeel clearance.
Squat calculations
Tailored to the channel specifics.
Using ship dimensions to calculate ship specific values.
Taking currents, trim and salinity/tempearture into account.
Western Scheldt
WESTERSCHELDE PLANNER (WESP): creates itineraries and transit windows for all marginal traffic to/from/between Port of Antwerp & North Sea Port.
WESP is constantly updated with planned transits, new hydrometeo data and bathymetric changes.
PROTIDE REST-full API with OData implementation.
WESP uses PROTIDE as the calculation engine for all keel clearance and cross current calculations. It utilizes the PROTIDE API to update circumstances, perform calculations and retrieve results.
Use case
Every 3 to 6 hours pushes of hydrometeo data.
Every 10 minutes all new transits and updated ship positions are sent to PROTIDE: up to 500 – 1000 calculations a day.